We want your stay at The River Mill to be enjoyable and productive
and to achieve these goals we ask that:
although breakfast and lunch are yours to prepare and consume as and where you like, the evening meal is served at 6.30 pm and we all eat together. (And clean up together!)
residents respect each other’s privacy and creative space. You cannot enter another resident’s room unless invited.
residents keep noise to a minimum throughout the day. Please also respect that residents might be working in the evening
residents respect our lovely neighbours; their privacy and right to quiet is of paramount importance
residents respect that The River Mill will not tolerate discrimination against any religion, gender, race, or sexual orientation. Inappropriate behaviour towards other guests will result in you being asked to leave.
residents ensure that doors are locked at night, after dinner. Residents must remember this if going out for any reason. (The River Mill supplies front door keys.)
residents who smoke must do so in the designated areas outside, and do not smoke anywhere inside house.
residents respect that abuse of alcohol will not be tolerated and the use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited
Residents who do not abide by these rules might well be asked to leave and to settle their accounts in full.
We don't allow pets (as much as we might want to) but we could make an exception for guide dogs, given sufficient notice