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If you're using public transport to get to us, see below. 


Please Note: There is no direct train service to Downpatrick from either Belfast or Dublin.

Please Also Note: The Downpatrick Taxi borders on being a mythological creation. If possible, Paul will collect you from the bus station. 


From Belfast:

If you are flying into Northern Ireland (either to the International Airport or the George Best City Airport) there are buses that will bring you to the Europa Bus Centre in Belfast. From there, take Ulster Bus Service the centre of Downpatrick. Once in Downpatrick, it’s a taxi to The River Mill, 43 Ballyclander Road  


Click below for more information:

Belfast International Airport

George Best Belfast City Airport

Ulster Bus      



From Dublin:

Unless you need to go to Belfast, it is much easier to stop at Newry and then transfer to Downpatrick.


If flying into Dublin International Airport, please see below. Buses from Dublin stop at the airport on their way to the North. 


If travelling by train:

  1. Connolly St Station to Newry, see here )

  2. In Newry, get a bus to Downpatrick

  3. Then it’s a taxi ride to The River Mill, 43 Ballyclander Road


If travelling by bus

  1. Busaras Central Station to Newry, see here:

      Dublin International Airport is a stop on the route to Newry

  1. In Newry, get a bus to Downpatrick

  2. Then it’s a taxi ride to The River Mill, 43 Ballyclander Road

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